How to, and who to
get in touch with
Write us here with your questions, comments, or fan letters for the #OperaDogs
For new business, existing business, client inquiries, and pretty much anything else
Catherine Pisaroni
Public Relations & Press
For dreams and aspirations of all kinds ... which can also be discussed over dessert and drinks (virtually or in-person)
Jenna Wolf
Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & more, executed with style, imagination, and a daily dose of humor
Max Potter
Website Content
Web updates, words, documents, photos, files, patience, and whether to click the left or right mouse button
Irene Grijalvo Tarrés
Registered Address
For postcards, paperwork, dog biscuits, and bouquets of flowers…
Lenny's Studio
Buchberg 2
8222 St. Johann b.H.
Buchberg 2
8222 St. Johann b.H.